Monthly Archives: June 2008
Kashmir to get train service from August
Only Pahalgam route to Amarnath has sanctity
Some may take the recent comment by Amarnath shrine custodian, Mahant Deependra Giri as part of his tussle with the official shrine board – SASB. However it does merit some thought. Is really getting to Amarnath, by whatever means, the end? Or going through the hardship of climbing up to get to Him also part of the bigger game? Most of the Hindu shrines are only reachable after going through trecherous mountain climbs. Perhaps the idea always has been that go through the difficulty, go through the hardship and the risk, before you can get to the God, and do any kind of penance, etc.
Even going on a horse or a pony up to the cave from Pahalgam gives a sense of not doing enough for the Yatra. You see hordes of families, old, children and women, all going on the foot, and can’t help but feel guilty riding a pony. Considering this, one should/would feel very unsatisfied if one was to take a copter ride and land at 500 feet from the gufa. Or for that matter take Baltal route which some much shorter and quicker. After all the end is not paying your obeisance only; its going through the arduous yatra to do that. Is saying that one should avail of the technology also holds true in the matters of emotion and faith?
Anyhow, here is the news coverage:
Sringar: The Amarnath pilgrimage, scheduled to begin from June 18, is mired in yet another controversy.
The shrine custodian, Mahant Deependra Giri, has asserted that using the man-made Baltal route for the pilgrimage — which is significantly more convenient than the original one — goes against the Hindu scriptures. According to Giri, ancient scriptures hold the trek through Pahalgam as the only authentic route for the pilgrimage. He argues that the yatra will have no sanctity if there is no penance.
“There is no mention of Baltal in the scriptures, which means Pahalgam is the only authentic route for the pilgrimage. This is as per Hingish Sahita — the only authentic scripture which explains Amarnath pilgrimage at length and bears description of how to conduct this yatra. As far as Baltal goes, the route was thrown open by the Army,” Giri says.
At an imposing altitude of 3,888 metres, the Amarnath cave is 44.8 km from Pahalgam base camp. However, worshippers frequently use the 13-km Baltal-cave route and avail facilities like chopper services. Some say, commercialisation has ruined the true idea behind the pilgrimage.
“Every pilgrimage and every shrine has become a centre for earning money. The same holds true for Amarnath yatra, “ Hindu scholar T N Ganju laments.
Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) officials, however, say that reaching the cave is of utmost importance, and the route has no bearing on the pilgrimage.
“Suppose we have helicopters and ropeway up there, you think people will not go there? If there is modern technology, people will avail it,” defends SASB CEO Arun Kumar.
Pahalgam Phone Networks
The BSNL Control Rooms at Pahalgam can be reached at (01936) 3298. The PCOs are Panjtarni, Sheshnag and holy cave of Amarnath shrine work on INMARSAT (satellite based telephone).
Airtel (private mobile operator )Services are also opertational at Pahalgam and Chandanwari.
Dialing India from Abroad
Area code of Pahalgam is 01936. So if you were dialling from the US, you will dial 011-91-1936-243366 (where 243366 is a local Pahalgam number).
Latest Pahalgam Telephone Directory – 2006
If you would like report a change to a phone number, or addition/deletion of an entry, please feel free to contact us STD CODE 01936 PAHALGAM LOCAL CODE 951936
FINANCE Treasury Officer 243245 FIRE SERVICES Fire Station 24 3222 FISHRIES Fishries Officer 24 3246 FOREST Range Officer 24 3350
PUBLIC WORKS DEPTT XEN 243026 AE 243256 REVENUE Tehsildar 243229 TOURISM Project Officer 24 3049 tourist Officer 24 3224 Pahalgam Club 243285 HORTICULTURE Sr Scientist Maiz Research Centre 243302 HOSPITALITY AND PROTOCOL Guest House 24 3335 LOCAL BODIES Administrator NAC 24 3263 POLICE SSP Anantnag At Pahalgam 24 3367 PoliceStation 24 3228 B Singh Pahalgam 24 3264 BabaGhulam Mohd Pahalgam 243360 B Singh Pahalgam 243215 BakshiGhulam Ahmad Laripora 243311 Baba Mohd Afzal Pahalgam 24 3080 Bakshi Parvez Ahmad Loripora 24 3212 Bazaz Bashir Ahmad Pahalgam 24 3286 Bazaz Ghulam Rasool Pahalgam 24 3347 Bazaz Mohd Ashraf Pahalgam 24 3211 Beigh Maqsood Hussain Main Market 24 3063 Bhat Abdul Gani Pahalgam 24 3064 Bhat Abdul Gani Pahalgam Lodge 24 3348 BhatAbdulKhaliq MainChowk 24 3056 Bhat Abdul Majid Ganeshbal 24 3320 Bhat Abdul Rahim Ganishbal 24 3387 BhatAbdul Rashld Pahalgam 24 3279 Bhat Abdul Salam Pahalgam 24 3053 Bhat AJi Mohd Ganshibal 24 3201 BhatAji Mohd Pahalgam 24 3059 Bhat Arte EmporiumjPahalgarn 24 3351 Bhat Bashir Ahmad Laripora 24 3069 Bhat Bilal Ahmad Pahalgam 24 3028 BhatfayazAhmadiPahal|am 24 3271 Bhat Ghulam Hassan Loripora 24 3343 m Mohi Ud Din Loripora 24 3342 n Nabi Ganshibal 24 3216 BhatMohdlqbaJ Pahalpm 24 3217 Bhat Mohd jamaJ Loripora 24 3236 BhatMushteqAhmad Pahalgam 24 3054 Bhat Rafiq Ahmad Pahalpam 24 3060 Bhat RiyazAhmad Main Bazar 24 3088 BhatTariqAhmad Pahalgam 24 3341 BurzaDr MasoodAhmad ChoperHuts 24 3304 Burza Javid Bashir Mountview Hotel 24 3321 Burza MushtaqAhmad Mamal 24 3210 Burza Mushtaq Ahmad Pahalgam 243219 Dagga Readymade Dress Pahalgam 24 3214 DarAbdulMajidjNearLaJKothi 24 3218 Dar Abdul Rashid Pahalgam 24 3241 DarKhazirMohd Pahalgam 24 3082 DeenFarhat Abbas Pahalgam 24 3289 DurfabSngh Main Bazar 24 3346 Ganai Ghulam Nabi Pahalgam 24 3251 Gana Mofid 5hafl Pahai|pm 24 3231 MohdYasin NearRegal Hotel 24 3065 a Purnibal v 1 24 3344 MohdYousuf Pahalgam 24 3272 Goodlude Hotd ahalpm 24 3282 GutttHduMr plttllty ProtQcol Pahalga m 24 5335 Gu]n Dr ri ra 24 3384 Hajam Mehraj Ud DlniPahalgam 24 3392 Hajam Mohd Ramzan Pahalgam 24 3296 Haji Abdul AziZ New Plaza 243106 Haji Abdul MajidRaina Loripora 24 3255 Hakeem Ghulam Hassan Laripora 24 3072 Hakeem Mohd Ashraf Main Market 24 3078 Heewan Hotel Mamal 243303 Ice Rock Hotel Pahalgam 24 3280 Imtiyaz Bashir Loripora 24 3363 lshratjeelani Pahalgam 24 3337 J&KBank Pahalgam 24 3248 J&KSrtcMgr PahaJgam 24 3269 Jagjeet Sing PahaJgam 24 3242 Jan Asif Laripora 24 3306 joo Nissar AII Pahalram 24 3382 Khalsa HoteJ Pahalpm 24 3227 Khan PikJarAhm d Pahalpm 24 3276 Khan MohdYaqoeb Pahalgam 24 3277 iohdYaqoob PahaJgam 24 3244 lobdYaqoob Pahalgam 24 3233 Khan Mohd Yousuf PahaJgam 24 3275 Khan MuMffar Ahmad Pahalgam 24 3281 Khan NazirAhmad Circuit House 24 3310 Khan Rouf Ul RahmanjPahalgam 24 3361 KhanZahodrAhmad Pahalgarn 24 3278 Khanday Ghulam Hassan Main Bazar 24 3086 Khanday Ghulam Hassan Pahalgam 24 3328 Khanday Mohd Ashraf Pahalgam 24 3291 Kumar Abdul Ahad Laripora 24 3386 Laway Abdul Rahman Pahalgam 24 3284 Lolu Mohd Latief Pahalgam 24 3087 LoneAli Mohd Chandanwari Road 24 3061 Lone Ghulam Hassan Loripora 24 3339 24 3226 Lone Ghulam Mohd Pahalgam 243254 Lone Ghulam Rasool Paha!gam 24 3290 Lone Mohd Hafeez KP Road 24 3058 Lone Mohd Yousuf Pahalgam 243359 Lone Mohd Yousuf Pahalgam 24 3076 Lone Nissar Ahmad Paha!gam 24 3052 LoneShabir Ahmad Purneema Hotel 1 24 3077 Magray Farooq Ahmad Ganshibal 24 3209 Magray Ghulam Qadir PahaJgam v 243357 Magray Ghulam Rasool Ganishbal ! 24 3377 Magray MohdJabbanGaneshbal 243107 Malik Ghulam Hassan Laripora 24 3075 Malik Ghulam Mohd Laripora 243240 24 3091 Malik Mohd Afzal Paha!gam 24 3309 Malik Rahim Alam Laripora 24 3204 Mansion Hotel Pahalgam i 24 3356 Mian Sarvat Nayeem Laripora 24 3307 Mir Abdul RazakjMadlan 24 3345 Mir Abdul Salam Loripora fJ 24 3358 24 3253 Mir Ghulam Hassan Pahalgam 24 3027 Mir Mohd Rafiq Volga Lodge 24 3292 Mir Mohd Ramzan Pahalgam 24 3050 Mir ShahzadaAkhtar Laripora 24 3370 MirzaNassirAli Aksa Lodge 24 3349 Mount View Hotel Pahalgam 24 3221 Nadaf Mohd Shaft Pahalgam 24 3205 Naik Mohd Jsmail Main Road 24 3203 Naik Mohd Ramzan Grand View Hotel 24 3273 Naik Zubair Ahmad Pahalgam 24 3329 24 3074 Naqash Mohd lqbal Pahalgam 24 3123 Narchoor Nissar Ahmad Pahalgam 24 3247 Narrtnder Singh Pahalgarrv 243267 24 3225 24 3301 24 3084 24 3293 243252 Paharwan Asif Iqbal Pahalgam 24 3366 Pala BasWrAhmad Pahalgam 243230 Pandit Abdul Aziz Aru Road 24 3325 ParraBHalAhmad Pahafgam 243093 Parray Mukhtar Ahmad Pahalgam 24 3266 Parray Nayeem Nissar Pahalgam 24 3066 Paul Abid Hussain Laripora 24 3334 Peer Abdul Khaliq Rather Laripora 24 3073 Peer Manzoor Ahmad Hotel Excelent 24 3313 Plaza Hotel Pahalgam 24 3250 Plaza Hotel Pahalgam 243239 Qadri Sajad Hussain Pahalgam 24 3071 RafiUdDin HotelManison 24 3354 Raina Abdul Aziz Laripora 24 3067 Raina Ali Mohd Laripora S 24 3369 Raina Ghulam Nabi Loripora 24 3262 Raj Mehal Hotel Pahalgam 24 3261 Rather Mushtaq Ahmad Gunsibal 24 3068 243206 Reshi RiyazAhmad PahaJgam 4 24 3340 24 3250 Royaf Telecom Pahalgam 243083 Sajad Hussain Hotel Pine View 24 3102 Sasan Budha Singh PahaJgam 24 3234 Shabnam KausanPahalgam 24 3315 Shah Ali Mohd Pahalgam 24 3097 Shah Bashir Ahmad Near Petrol Pump 24 3324 Shahjavid Iqbal Loripora v 24 3265 24 3338 24 3079 Shahji Hafeez Bus Stand 24 3385 Shahji Hafeez Pahalgam 24 3085 Sheikh Abdul Rahman Pahalgam 24 3330 24 3208 Sheikh Ghulam Mohi Ud Din Chandanwari Road 24 3055 Sheikh Ghulam Mohi Ud Din 24 3333 24 3365 Sheikh Manzoor Ahmad Pahalgam 24 3352 Sheikh MohdlamaJ Pahalgarh 24 3070 24 3237 24 3202 24 3274 Sr MgrJ&KTdcPanalgam 24 3306 State Bank Of India MgrPahalgam 24 3297f Syed Iqba! KashanrPahalgam 24 308 Teli Gul Mohd Pahalgam ? ~ 24 3220 1 24 3321 Tlckoo Mohan Lal Paha!gam 24 3294 TuryAli Mohd Pahalgam 24 320|§ Vij Rohit Main Bazar Pahalgam ~ i 24 3366 Wagay Abdul Rahman Pahalgam I 24 320H Wali Mehraj Ud Din Behts Lodge 24 3241 I Wani Abdul Rashid Pahalgam 24 32 H 24 32j|| Wani Ghulam Mohd Bus Stand 24 321 1 24 333|| r 24 30 24 3M 24 30 ! Wani Irshad Ahmad Wanijavid All mad Pahalgam 2430 1 24 33711 Wani Manzoor Ahmad Pahalgam 24 30111 Wani Manzoor AhmadjPahalgam 24 30 fl Wani Mohd Amin Pahalgam 24 305 1 J Wood Stock Hotel Pahalgam 24 33ij 24 33iSl 24 32$ I 7an x Muzaffar AbmadjMamal 24 3l f stdpco Bhat Mushteq Ahmad Pahatgam 24 331 24 31 BhatTariq Ahmad Shanrisip6ra 24 31 24 3J| Syed Mobd ismail KashanijPahalgam TuryAli Mohd Pahalgarn 24 3 24 m 24 m 24 3| 24 31 24{a 24 JJg Wagay Ghufam Qadir Pahalgam 24 jfl CENTRAL GOVT BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LTD BORDER SECURITY FORCE DIG L J U 24 9i 24ffl Gomdt 58 Bn 249 Gomdt 11 Bn f 24 ill tENTRAL RESERVE POLICE FORcfl Comdtl i Bn 248 DEFENCE METROLOGICAL CENTRE Dir Pahalgarn 2im 24W )A id STATE GOVT ELECTRICITY XEN Mini Hyde! Project hMI
Here is the telephone directory for Anantnag district which has important Pahalgam numbers as well:
Telephone Directory (STD Code:01932)
<Dy. Commissioner’s Office> <Tehsildars> <Engineering Sector> <Local Bodies>
<Rural Development> <Social Services> <Accounts & Treasuries> <Education>
<Forest> <Medical> <Tourism/Hotels> <Courts/Judiciary> <Information/Journalists>
<Fire Services> <Police> <Security Forces> <Army> <MP/MLAs>
DC/DM/DDC Office, Anantnag |
S.No |
Name with Designation. |
Office |
Residence |
1 |
Sh. Shailendra Kumar, I.A.S Deputy Commissioner Ang |
222337 Fax-223164 |
222335 222498 |
2 |
Sh. Sheikh Gh. Rasool Addl. Dy. Commissioner -I |
222873 |
2436128 |
3 |
Sh. Lateef Ahmad Deva Addl. Dy. Commissioner – II Chief Executive Officer, PDA |
224991 (Ang) 951936-243049 (Pahalgam) |
222450 (Ang) 2310734 (Sgr) |
4 |
Asstt. Commissioner (R ) |
5 |
Sh. M. Ismail Chief Planning Officer |
223042 |
226176 |
6 |
Sh. Jan Mubarik Ahmad Distt. Informatics Officer (NIC) |
223539 225378 |
SDM/Tehsildars |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
1 |
Sh. Afroz Ahmad Beigh SDM Kulgam |
260388 |
224359 |
2 |
Sh. Gh. Mohd. Bohru |
260382 |
3 |
Sh. Assadullah Wani Tehsildar (T), Anantnag |
223468 |
4 |
Sh. G.M.Ashti Tehsildar Dooru |
230223 |
5 |
Sh. Gh. Hassan Dar Tehsildar (T), Bijbehara |
234381 |
6 |
Sh. Altaf Ahmad Khan, Tehsildar (T), Pahalgam |
925-243229 |
224423 |
7 |
Sh. Mushtaq Ahmad Beigh Tehsildar (AR), Qazigund |
223309 |
8 | Sh. Ab. Rehman,
Tehsildar (AR), Kokernag |
9 |
Sh. Khurshed Ahmad Dar, |
10 | Sh. Ab. Rashid Rather,
Tehsildat (S), Kulgam |
260382 | ||||
11 |
Sh. B.A.Khan, Head Quarter Asstt., DC Office Anantnag. |
![]() |
Engineering Sector |
S.No | Name with Designation | Office | Residence | ||
1 |
Sh. A.R.Bulbul |
223140 |
223140 (R-Ang) ………….(R-Sgr) |
2 |
Mr. Nazim S.E. Hydraulic Ang. |
224503 |
2466187 (Srinagar) |
3 |
S.E.Electric Bijbehara |
234397 |
2438444 (Srinagar) |
4 |
XEN Electric Div Anantnag |
222228 |
5 |
Manzoor Ahmad Salroo XEN, UEED Anantnag |
234037 |
6 |
Ab. Rashid Wani AEE Dooru Electric Sub. Div. |
223039 |
7 |
Aejaz Noor Ahmad AE & Tech. Officer with XEN Electric Ang |
2310306 |
8 |
Mohd Khalil Ahanger AE Achabal Sub-Div (Electric) |
237157 |
9 |
Mushtaq Ahmad Shah AE Ang. Sub Div. (Electric) |
223755 |
10 |
Wasim Sajad JE Town,Mattan, Anchidora |
223551 |
11 |
Sh. M.M.Sharief XEN Electric Bijbehara |
234398 |
2422677 |
12 |
Sheikh Mohd. Hussain XEN R&B Div. Khanabal |
222221 |
223500 222221 |
13 |
XEN Electric, Kulgam |
14 |
XEN R&B Div. Qazigund |
235363 |
15 |
Sh. Bashir Ahmad Thoker XEN R&B Div. Vailoo |
2434940 |
16 |
Sh. Bashir Ahmad Bhat XEN R&B Div. Kulgam |
237332 223190 |
17 |
Peerzada Affaq Ahmad AEE R&B Kulgam |
2402756 (Srinagar) |
18 |
Raj Mohd. Khan AEE R&B Kulgam |
237078 (Ang) |
19 |
Syed Altaf Ahmad JE R&B Kulgam |
222162 (Ang) |
20 |
Ab. Rashid Wani AAO R&B Kulgam |
260106 (Kulgam) |
21 |
Sh. M.A.Fazli XEN PHE Qazigund |
2425756 (Sgr) |
22 |
Sh. G.M.Wani XEN PHE Bijbehara |
234230 |
222683 |
23 |
Sh.F.A.Shah |
223273 |
24 |
Sh. G.R.Shah XEN Irrigation Kulgam |
234267 |
2422670 |
25 |
Sh. G.R.Sheikh XEN Flood Control Ang. |
224121 |
26 |
Sh. Manzoor Ahmad Reshi XEN Mech. Awantipora |
2467071 |
27 |
Sh. Fida Hussain Dar AEE (South) UEED |
2457617 |
2433191 |
28 |
XEN UEED Srinagar |
2474844 |
29 |
SE UEED Srinagar |
2479444 /2474844 |
2431953/2430343 |
30 |
Sh. Ishtiyaq Ahmad Malik AEE R&B Sub-Div., Anantnag |
2433182 (Sgr) |
31 |
Akhtar Hussain AEE R&B Sub.Div.,SEER |
243026 |
222810 (Ang.) |
32 |
Mohd. Iqbal Mir Bijbehara R&B Sub. Division |
2428302 (Sgr.) |
33 |
Farooq Ahmad Mantoo AE R&B Sub Div., Anantnag |
34 |
Muzaffar Hussain AE R&B Sub Div., Seer |
35 |
Shabir Ahmad Vaid Tech. Officer to SE,Anantnag |
2437531 |
36 |
Mohd. Aslam Baba AE R&B Sub Div., Vailoo |
37 |
Muzaffar Ahmad Dada AE R&B Sub Div., Qazigund |
38 |
Sh. Sheikh. Gh. Rasool AEE R&B Qazigund (Dooru) |
2459821 (Sgr) |
39 |
Nazir Ahmad Tak AEE R&B Sub. Div., Qazigund. |
2435564 (Sgr) |
40 |
Mohd. Yousf Mir AEE R&B Sub Div Vailo (Achabal) |
2425037 |
41 | Gh. Nabi Dhobi JE
R&B Div. Anantnag |
222079 | |||
41 |
222228/222820 |
42 |
222496 |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Administrator Town Area Ang |
224991 |
224991 |
02 |
XEN Local Bodies |
2455094 |
03 |
XEN Pahalgam Dev. Authority. |
243049 |
222191 |
04 |
XEN Local Bodies Srinagar |
2455094 |
2432453 |
05 |
NAC Pahalgam |
243263 |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Director Rural Development Kashmir |
2310471 2311639/2432508 |
2310471 (Sgr.) |
02 |
Sh. Jaipal Singh Asstt. Commissioner (Dev) Ang |
223593 |
222942 |
03 |
Mohd. Amin Distt Panchayat Officer Anantnag |
223593 |
951933-250270 |
04 |
Sh. A.H. Kantroo Project Officer, DRDA Ang. |
224491 |
951933-250219 |
05 |
Farooq Ahmad XEN Rural Engg. Wing Anantnag |
06 |
Mohd. Ashraf Dejo,BDO Achabal |
241221 |
07 |
Mohd. Yousf Ganie BDO Breng Kokernag |
37112 |
08 |
Manzoor Ahmad Sofi BDO Dachnipora |
09 |
Gh. Nabi Bhat, BDO DH Pora |
10 |
BDO Kovripora, Mattan |
11 |
Bashir Ahmad, BDO Kulgam |
12 |
Ab. Hamid Wani, BDO Qaimoh |
224822 |
13 |
G.M.Gulzar, BDO Qazigund |
225800 |
14 |
Mohd. Saleem, BDO Shahabad |
223979 |
15 |
Sh. G.Q.Zargar,BDO Shangus |
16 |
G.M.Gulzar, BDO Devsar |
17 |
M.Jahangir Khanday, BDO Pahloo |
18 |
BDO Head Quarter |
19 |
Hakeem Ab. Majeed ,AE Qazigund |
2451714 |
20 |
Reyaz-ul Haq,AEE Kulgam/Qaimoh |
2462620 |
21 |
Nazir Ahmad Parrey, AE Achabal/Shahabad |
2475183 |
22 |
Showkat Ali Khan, AE Shangus |
23 |
Farooq Ahmad Ganai, AE Kohripora |
230347 |
24 |
Reyaz Ahmad Dhobi, AE Dachnipora |
25 |
Alyas Soharwardi,AE DH Pora |
26 |
Bashir Ahmad Bhat,AE Breng |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Sh. Masoodul Hassan Distt. Social Welfare Officer |
2400137 |
02 |
Gh. Mohd. Masood Programme Officer ICDS Ang. |
223078 |
03 |
M.Y.Akhoon, Deputy Director Employment Ang. |
22220 |
490590 |
04 |
Sh. Mohd. Amin Bhat General Manager D.I.C.Ang. |
222504 |
2432760 |
05 |
Hafizullah Parray Chief Horticulture Officer Ang. |
223041 |
223541 |
06 |
Ali Mohd.Mir, Joint Director Sericulture Ang. |
222301 |
490089 |
07 |
M.S.Zaboo, Chief Agriculture Officer Ang. |
223201 |
951933- 250015 |
08 |
Dr. A.M.Reshi Chief Animal Husb. Officer Anantnag. |
223054 |
951933- |
09 |
Dr. B.A. Hakeem Distt. Sheep Husb. Officer Ang. |
222542 |
2434167 |
10 |
Sh. M.H.Chisti AD Handicrafts Ang. |
2402091 |
11 |
Ab.N.H.Wani AD Handloom Ang. |
223636 |
225122 |
12 |
G.N.Gazi AD Fishries Anantnag. |
222541 |
2462179 |
13 |
M.S.Khateeb Dy. Registrar Coop. Ang. |
222513 |
222709 |
14 |
Assistant Labour Comm. Ang. |
222571 |
– |
15 |
A.D. Food & Supplies |
222951 |
225237 |
16 |
Ab.Aziz. Assistant Controller W&M Anantnag. |
– |
261137 |
17 |
Ab. Rashid Wazir Area Marketting Officer, Batengoo Ang. |
222120 |
18 |
Director CENSUS Operations, Srinagar |
2479472,2477022 |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Distt. Treasury Officer Ang. |
222992 |
02 |
Distt. Fund Officer Ang. |
03 |
Treasury Pahalgam |
243245 |
04 |
Tehsil Treasury Officer,Kulgam(AO) |
05 |
Treasury Officer (AAO) DH Pora |
06 |
The. Treasury Officer/AO Bijbehara |
07 |
Tehsil Treasury Officer/AO Dooru |
08 |
Treasury Officer/AO Qazigund |
09 |
Treasury Officer/AAO Shangus |
10 |
Treasury Officer/AAO Kokernag |
11 |
Distt. Manager JK Bank Ang. |
222440 |
2438976 |
12 |
Lead Bank Officer Anantnag |
13 |
Manager SBI (Main) Ang |
222380 |
14 |
Manager SBI (ADB) Ang |
222213 |
15 |
Manager PNB Ang. |
222407 |
16 |
Manager PNB Kulgam |
260228 |
17 |
General Manager/ Distt. Manager Cooperative Bank Ang. |
222240 223475 (FAX) |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Sh. Chirag-Din, Chief Education Officer, Ang. |
223525 |
2473605 (Sgr) |
02 |
Sh. Khurshid Ahmad Reshi Distt. Educational Planning Officer |
223525 |
222163,225037 |
02 |
Distt. Youth Services & Sports Officer Ang. |
223472 |
234075 |
03 |
Principal Govt. Degree College, (Boys), Anantnag |
222308 |
04 |
Principal Degree College (Women), Anantnag |
05 |
IGNOU Study Centre, Anantnag |
223591 |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Mr. Ab. Salam Bhat DFO Anantnag. |
223292 224360 |
Yaripora |
02 |
Mir Mushtaq Hussain DFO Social Forestry Ang. |
224228 |
224200 |
03 |
Sh. Kirmani DFO Lidder Bijbehara. |
234284 |
2425496 |
04 |
Conservator Forests, South Circle, Bijbehara. |
234384 |
05 |
G.H.Bhat. Distt.officer Soil Conservation Ang. |
234014 |
2435612 |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Dr. Mir Mohd. Yousf , CMO Anantnag |
222255 |
222534,235369 |
02 |
Dr. Gh. Rasool Padder Medical Supdt. Anantnag |
222170 222889 |
223993 |
03 |
Dr.Masood Ahmad ADMO Anantnag |
– |
– |
04 |
Dy. CMO Anantnag |
222255 |
2432879 |
05 |
Distt. Health Officer |
222255 |
224140 |
06 |
Distt. Immunization Officer |
222255 |
223623 |
07 |
Civil Hospital Pahalgam Ang |
243232 |
08 |
DTO Anantnag |
225875 |
224094 |
09 |
BMO Achabal |
241325 |
10 |
BMO Bijbehara |
234063 |
11 |
Medical Supdt. Dooru |
230014 |
223206 |
12 |
BMO Kulgam |
260112 |
260312 |
13 |
BMO Mattan |
237262 |
237260 |
14 |
BMO Qazigund |
235098 |
2222122 |
15 |
BMO Qaimoh |
224562 |
16 |
BMO Shangus |
17 |
BMO Sallar |
222679 |
18 |
BMO Verinag |
230349 |
224562 |
19 |
BMO Yaripoar |
2432879 |
20 |
BMO DH Pora Pora |
21 |
BMO Larnoo |
223595 |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Sh. Rouf Ahmad Shah JKTDC Manager (Pahalgam Club) |
243285, 243308 |
243308 |
02 |
Tourist Officer, Pahalgam |
243229 |
03 |
Hotel Plaza, Khanabal |
04 |
Hotel Standard, Anantnag |
222556 |
05 |
Hotel Four Bhai |
06 |
Hotel Maraz |
224693 |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Mrs. Gousia Nisa, Principal Distt. & Session Judge Anantnag |
222327 |
222340 |
02 |
C. J. M. Anantnag |
223058 |
03 |
Sub Judge Bijbehara |
234010 |
04 |
Sub Judge Kulgam |
260240 |
05 |
Munsif Kulgam |
223176 |
06 |
Sub Judge Vailoo |
2433547 |
07 |
Munsif DH Pora |
241227 |
08 |
Munsif Shangus |
224526 |
09 |
Munsif Dooru |
230241 |
10 |
Munsif Anantnag |
224202 |
11 |
Mobile Magistrate Anantnag |
224541 |
12 |
Munsif Aishmuqam |
241223 |
13 |
Mr. Khateeb, President Bar Association Ang. |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Sh. Gulzar Ahmad Dar |
222326 |
02 |
Mr. Maqbool Veeri Journalist (SHAIRBEEN) |
223896 |
03 |
Rao Farman Ali (On the TRACK) |
225172 |
234468 |
04 |
Mr. Qayoom Malik Journalist (ALSAFA) |
224671 |
05 |
Mr. Bilal Khan Journalist |
224579 |
06 |
Ab. Salaam Malik Journalist (GREATER Kashmir) |
234600 |
07 |
S.D.O. Phones |
222387 |
222387 |
08 |
Div. Engineer BSNL Anantnag |
222985 |
222444 |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Dy. Director Fire Services Anantnag |
222443 |
02 |
Fire Station Anantnag |
222822,222101 |
03 |
Fire Station Bijbehara |
234222,234101 |
04 |
Fire Station Qazigund |
235222 |
05 |
Fire Station Kulgam |
260222 |
06 |
Fire Station Achabal |
241222 |
07 |
Fire Station Dooru |
230222 |
08 |
Fire Station Pahalgam |
243222 |
09 |
Fire Post Aishmuqam |
241222 |
10 |
Fire Post Shangus |
11 |
Fire Post Kokernag |
12 |
Fire Post Yaripora |
13 |
Fire Post Salar |
14 |
Fire Post Seer Hamdan |
15 |
Fire Post D.H.Pora |
16 |
Fire Station D.K.Marg |
17 |
Fire Station Kawarigam |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
DIG SK Anantnag |
222661/301 222136 |
222467/ 401 222136 |
02 |
SSP Anantnag |
222836/304 222271 (fax) |
222411/ 404 |
03 |
C.O. IRP |
222298/305 |
222298/405 |
04 |
S.P. Operations Anantnag |
223959 |
222856 /406 |
05 |
Dy. CO IRP |
307 |
307 |
06 |
222869/308 |
222869/408 |
07 |
DY. SP T/C |
222432/309 |
08 |
310 |
410 |
09 |
DY. SP HQ. Telecom. |
2475641/411 |
311 |
10 |
222684/312 |
312 |
11 |
313 |
413 |
12 |
314 |
– |
13 |
DY. SP 5TH BN. |
315 |
315 |
14 |
316 |
316 |
15 |
222924/329 |
317 |
16 |
CO IRP 3rd. |
222298/305 |
224869/405 |
17 |
Police Control Room Anantnag |
222870/100 |
100/300 PNT |
18 |
Police Exchange Anantnag |
222432/90/103 |
19 |
320 |
20 |
DRO Anantnag |
222432/321 |
421 |
21 |
Dy. SP HGs |
225200/413 |
21 |
MTO Anantnag |
322 |
322 |
22 |
323 |
323 |
23 |
324 |
424 |
24 |
326 |
25 |
PA TO SSP Anantnag |
304 |
428 |
26 |
JIC Anantnag |
222924/329 |
27 |
CPO Anantnag |
331 |
28 |
332 |
29 |
329 |
430 |
30 |
SP Kulgam |
260253 |
260202 |
31 |
SDPO Kulgam |
260303 |
32 |
SHO Kulgam |
260221 |
33 |
Wireless Kulgam |
914260160 |
34 |
Wireless Awantipora |
926247276 |
35 |
Wireless Pulwama |
926241210 |
36 |
SHO Anantnag |
222866/327 |
222866/327 |
37 |
PP Sherbagh |
333 |
38 |
SHO Achabal |
220221 |
39 |
SDPO Bijbehara |
234276 |
234276 |
40 |
SHO Bijbehara |
234221/234100 |
234221 |
41 |
SHO Dooru |
230221 |
42 |
P/S Mattan |
237221/237100 |
237221 |
43 |
SHO Pahalgam |
243228 |
243228 |
44 |
SHO Qazigund |
914235221 |
45 |
PCR Pahalgam |
23344 |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
223547/302 |
223547/302 |
02 |
GOC Victor Force HQ Awantipora |
247277 |
03 |
Army Exchange Ist. Sector RR |
223473 |
04 |
Comdr. Ist Sector RR |
223547 |
05 |
G-2 Ops. Ist. Sector RR |
223988/318 |
318 |
06 |
GO & RR Khundroo |
241224 |
07 |
CO 36 RR Larkipora |
223509,223591 |
08 |
CO 3 RR High Ground |
223440 |
09 |
DC IB Anantnag |
224900 |
10 |
MI HQ Ist. Sector RR |
223522 |
11 |
Comdr. 2 Sector RR |
238309 |
12 |
Army Excg. 2 Sector RR |
235308 |
13 |
CO 9 RR |
235300 |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
DIG BSF HQ Anantnag |
222019 |
02 |
BSF Exchange Khanabal |
222019 |
03 |
222143 |
04 |
DIG ITBP Bijbehara |
234045 |
05 |
ITBP Exchange Bijbehara |
234003 |
06 |
CO 9th BN ITBP Bijbehara |
234001 |
07 |
CO 10th BN ITBP Verinag |
230204 |
08 |
DIG CRPF OPs. Awantipora |
247059 |
247056 |
09 |
CO 9th BN CRPF |
224237,224189 |
10 |
CO 11th BN CRPF |
223146 |
11 |
223342 |
12 |
222289 |
13 |
CRPF Control Room Kulgam |
951931-260207 |
![]() |
S.No |
Name with Designation |
Office |
Residence |
01 |
Sh. Mufti Mohd. Syed, Hon’ble Chief Minister J&K |
2482099 (Srinagar) 2452228 (Srinagar) 2452224 (FX) |
2438580 2431027 (Sgr) 2545888(Jmu) |
02 |
Sh. Ali Mohd Naik Hon’ble MP Anantnag |
560016 (Jammu) 3782639 (Delhi) |
03 |
Sh. Ab. Aziz Zargar, Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture & Cooperative/ MLA Noorabad |
2544926 (Jammu) 2571417 (Jammu) 2479005 (Srinagar) |
2549690 (Jmu) |
04 |
Sh. Mohd. Yousf Tarigami MLA Kulgam/State Secretary CPM |
2430611 (Srinagar) 2430079 (Jammu) |
05 |
Sh. Ab.Gafar Sofi MLA HS Bugh & MOS Health |
2482318 (Srinagar) 2579951 (Jammu) |
224207 (Ang) 2584449 (Jmu) |
06 |
Sh. Mohd. Sartaj Madni MLA Devsar |
231364 |
07 |
Sh. Dr. Mehboob Beigh MLA Anantnag |
225850 (Ang.) |
2433610 (Jammu) |
08 |
Sh. Ab. Rehman Veeri MLA Bijbehara & MOS Works |
2479433 (Sgr.) 2549674(Jmu) |
223849 (Ang) 2546458 (Jmu) |
09 |
Smt. Mehbooba Mufti MLA Pahalgam & PDP President |
2545888 (Jammu) 2431027 (Srinagar) |
10 |
Sh. Peer Mohd. Hussain MLA Shangus |
2434221 (Srinagar) 2434422 (Jammu) |
11 |
Sh. Gh. Amad Mir MLA Dooru & MOS Tourism |
2479478 (Sgr.) 2549664 (Jmu) |
225007 (Ang) 2476471(Sgr) 2554968(J mu) |
12 |
Sh. Peerzada Mohd. Syed, MLA Kokernag & Minister for Rural Development |
2549681(Jmu) 2455216 (Sgr) |
2433329 (Sgr) 2475647 (Sgr) |
13 |
Sh. Ch. Nizam-u-Din MLC |
223581 |
14 |
Sh. Ab. Rashid Dar MLC & Chairman Legislative Assembly. |
222202 /2542031 (Jammu-Office) 2544750(Jammu-residence) |
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The latest copy of this list can be obtained at