
Maps of Kashmir

Located in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, the hazy valley in the center of the image is the Vale of Kashmir. The Vale of Kashmir is surrounded by rugged mountains, many which exceed 17000 feet (5180 meters) in elevation. The valley floor averages about 5400 feet (1645 meters). These snow-covered mountains are part of the western extension of the Himalaya Mountains. The Jhelum River (thin, light-colored linear feature), a westerly draining tributary of the Indus River, can be traced through a deep gorge in the mountains along the northwest side of the Vale of Kashmir. Several other streams are visible as they drain westward into the Indus River Basin. A small section of the Indus River is also visible in the lower left corner of the image where the river has carved a large valley through the western end of the Himalaya Mountains.


This map on the right (click to enlarge) gives the Kashmir Valley - helps to locate what is where. Like where is Srinagar with respect to Amritsar and Lahore, and Pahalgam with respect to Srinagar. Gives a resonably good idea of the land-routes and terrain as well.

This one is as close as you can get to see Srinagar and the east, including Pahalgam. Also describes the atlitude and terrain it different points. Gives a very fair idea of how the Lidder Valley (Pahalgam) integrates with main Kashmir Valley (click to enlarge).




Here is a map of the Jurisdiction of Pahalgam Police Station:

This map on the right (below) is of the whole of Kashmir region - and is good to see how Punjab and Himachal states, and even Afghanistan and China integrate with Kashmir. Also gives a fair idea of the Line of Control, and the areas under Pakistan control (click to enlarge). Also kind of Political map also attempts to provide some idea of Roads and Population Centers.


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